Alternative to Methyl Bromide

Soil diseases

What is the best alternative to methyl bromide?

To replace methyl bromide with a sustainable method for controlling soil diseases is a necessity. Governments around the world push towards an alternative to methyl bromide, because it contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer. We can promise that superheated (dry) steam is the best sustainable alternative to methyl bromide. It is an old proven method, which is used in Dutch horticulture for many decades. At Konflex we have several tailor made steaming solutions for sterilization of the soil, which are completely  harmless for the environment.

How does soil steaming work as an alternative to methyl bromide?

Our low pressure steam boilers produce superheated steam, which is a dry steam, that penetrates easily into your growth medium. The steaming will destroy weeds and seeds, and take care of diseases, while leaving the soil structure intact. This process is done by fast heating of the soil up to 75 to 80 degrees Celsius, and maintaining this temperature for 30 minutes. After the soil has cooled down, it is ready for planting. The soil has been “reset” and your new planting gets a fresh start. One of the biggest benefits of soil steaming as an alternative to methyl bromide, is that it is completely pest-free, environmentally friendly, a truly sustainable way to give your crops a great head start. Depending on the application you have in mind, there are various types of mobile steam boilers available for use in the open field or greenhouse.


Would you like to know more about our steaming methods as an alternative to methyl bromide?

Steam sustainable alternative to methyl bromide

Governments are banning use of chemicals

Environmentally friendly

Killing pests, saving natural soil structure

Steam is old and proven alternative for chemicals